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Gaza latest: ‘Terror and confusion’ in Rafah – as charity says no humanitarian aid getting in after IDF takes control of crossing



Gaza latest: ‘Terror and confusion’ in Rafah – as charity says no humanitarian aid getting in after IDF takes control of crossing

‘Terror and confusion’ with no aid getting into Gaza, charity says – as another crossing shuts

The Israel Defence Forces has confirmed that the other major border crossing into Gaza – the Erez crossing – has also been shut. 

As we reported earlier, the Kerem Shalom and Rafah crossings are also closed. 

Major humanitarian agency ActionAid is reporting that no aid is currently able to get into Gaza.

“We are gravely concerned that the intensified attack on Rafah has led to the closure of all aid routes into Gaza,” a spokesperson said.

“No humanitarian relief is getting in, creating a dire situation for the 2.2 million people already struggling with starvation, disease and a severe lack of medical support.”

It has not been independently verified that all aid routes into Gaza have shut. 

“The chaos of the last 48 hours has left Rafah’s residents in terror and confusion, with nowhere safe to turn,” the spokesperson for ActionAid continued. 

“We remind the Israeli authorities that all those who remain or are unable to leave, including people in need of medical care, the elderly and people with disabilities, are protected under international humanitarian law, and must not be targeted.”

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